Blackhawk Woodcarver
Volume XIX, Issue 1, January 2012
The President’s Corner
Volume XIX, Issue 1, January 2012
Happy New Year to all of you happy Woodcarvers.
This is a time to get a new lease on life.
Pick a project that will be a challenge for the new year.
There are many examples in the club of carvers who take a challenge
and stretch themselves. I hope
to build the courage to be one of those.
I think of John Skaggs and how hard he has worked the past two
Christmases to carve for his grandkids and then this year his kids.
Gordy Moscinski comes to mind with his relief carvings of the lake
and Santa Claus plates, not to mention the tons of ornaments he carves and
the classes he leads. Bob
Matthews is always showing another bird and Roger Benedict another
relief. Bob Coleman seems
to have a new carving every week.
I know I have left out many, but this space is too short to
acknowledge all of the talented woodcarvers in our group.
I want to sincerely thank Gary Lundquist for being an
excellent president for the last two years.
He is a take charge kind of guy and we have seen lots of good things
happen. He has brought our
community outreach to a new level with soap carving and other community
experiences. He will be a hard
act to follow.
I am just stumbling along but I want to listen to your input and always feel
that I am reachable. Let me know
what your dreams are for what this club will be or what we are doing right
or wrong
So keep those wood chips flying and make new friends.
It is a new year. Time to renew
your dues. Cost is still $25.
See Dona Wisner.
Past Presidents
Elaine Terrell was our 9th president and served from
2005 through 2007. The following
is excerpted from a 2004 newsletter in a “Did ja’ Know” column.
Say hello to Elaine Terrell
Elaine is a Hometown kid, born and raised in Roscoe ... Eventually she found
her way to Woodward Governor and met her man, Gale, and became happily wed;
While the article goes on, the Elaine we know is
one of the first to pitch in for any project.
A good example is her participation in making the Christmas Brunch
come off for the last three years.
She is a good carver and an excellent chip carver
She has won prizes in several shows for her chip carving.
She taught several classes in chip carving.
She also does crafts such as basket weaving with long needle pine.
Elaine has been and continues to be a significant
asset to the club.
If you want more information, contact the Historian, Elaine Terrell
Minutes (in brief)
Minutes of the regular monthly business of Blackhawk Woodcarvers; held on
December 14, 2011 at 3218 Eleventh Street, Rockford, Illinois.
The Meeting was called to order at 9:03 AM by President Gary Lundquist.
For the sake of brevity the minutes of the previous meeting as presented in
the newsletter were approved.
An abbreviated Treasurer’s report was given by John Skaggs. We have a balance. (At least before Christmas, John is not making guarantees for after that. Art Brown wanted to know where John was going with that money) The report was approved. There was a request for an audit to which John agreed that we need one after the beginning of the year.
In lieu of a Membership report, Gary had all new members from this past year
stand. There were quite a few
new members present who got a very nice ovation.
The Librarian’s report and the Webmaster’s report were dispensed with.
Gary noted that we will be replacing the VHS tapes with DVD’s after
the beginning of the year. Gary
will also purchase a couple of portable DVD Players to borrow for members
who do not have one.
Gary recapped the slate of officers for 2012 presented in November by Roger
Benedict for the Nominating Committee.
For next year, the slate of officers includes Steve Terrill as
President’ Bob Coleman as Vice President’ John Skaggs as Treasurer; and
Rosalie Wesley as Secretary.
Gary moved to accept the nominees as presented.
The motion was seconded and passed.
Gary announced the procedure for the pot luck and catered brunch meeting.
Don Stansfield announced that the project for after the January business
meeting will be carving a small “Scottie Dog”.
He reminded people to bring a sharp knife and a sharp pencil.
We know that Don’s definition of sharp is much sharper than the
majority of us rise to. (Note
that the Scottie Dog carving will be postponed to after the April meeting.)
Gary Johnson (who will publish the newsletter during Bernie’s Florida
hiatus) announced that he brought extra copies for anyone who did not get
one in the mail.
Lonnie Hayes acknowledged Gary Lundquist for doing a nice job as president
for the last two years. John
Skaggs acknowledged the people who worked so hard to make the Christmas
breakfast and party come off, including Bernie Budzynski, and wife Barb,
Elaine and Gale Terrell and Tod and Dona Wisner.
Christmas Brunch
Many thanks to those who helped to make the Christmas Brunch a success.
Bernie Budzynski, Dona Wisner, and Elaine Terrell formed an ad hoc
committee 3 years ago and have been organizing this event ever since.
They have dragged their spouses, Barb, Tod and Gale into the mix but
we really know who runs the show.
This year finances allowed the event to be catered rather than a
having members cook prepared dishes from GFS foods
January Birthdays
(that we know about).
Emile LeBeau-
Gale Terrell 1/11
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
While Don Stansfield announced that he would conduct a carving class in
January, he has graciously moved the class to April after the business
The January 18 program will be a representative from the Center For Learning
in Retirement who will talk about the center and some of the options they
have for classes and trips.
Their catalogue is coming out just before Christmas.
Show and Tell

John Skaggs showed five nicely carved and painted sports team plaques that
he made for his children who are all sports nuts.
He found the difficult part was in the painting, not the carving.
Tom Backer showed a bark carving of a fantasy tree house.
Gordy Moscinski showed a stool that he carved for his sister in law with a
woodburned design for “Brandy Lake”.
He also showed an art box that he created for his granddaughter
complete with woodburned and painted designs including Tinkerbelle and a
dolphin with her name Kiera on the front.
Prutz showed a clock with the face of Jesus and a dove.
He would like to thank the hundred and one people who gave him advice
and help.
Bob Coleman showed a wood sprite that he carved from a fancy pear, but he
had to sharpen up all his knives and gouges first.
Jerome Mais showed four of the many sheep that he has carved (think Shaun
the Sheep) and an Eagle head. He
also brought in the duck he did in the class with Bob Matthews.
Nancy Peters did a Star of David in three dimensions for a friend who is
Jewish. It is of hardwood and
has two interlacing triangles, one smooth and one textured for a nice
Brian Steder showed a full sized Kestrel with extended wings and fully
burned and painted. It looks
ready to take off. It is mounted
on a wood burl.
Larry Christensen showed an Abe Lincoln carved and painted.
Bob Matthews showed a carved and painted Baltimore Oriole perched on a
Silver Maple Branch with realistic leaves made of copper and painted,
mounted on a butternut base.
Will Rottman showed a nice relief carving of a grapes and a leaf.
Classes at The Woodcraft Shop
(Bettendorf Iowa)
Bob Guge
- Realistic Bird Carving (Elf Owl)
January 6, 7, 8, 9, 2012
Josh Guge
- Carve and Paint a Painted Turtle or a fish of your choice.
January 13, 14, 15, 16, 2012
Greg Wirtz
- Intaglio Relief Carving (see Carving Magazine Holiday 2011, p. 40)
Jan. 27, 28, 29, 2011
Harley Refsal
- Scandinavian Flat Plane Carving (think “Whittling Little Folk” and others)
Wed. Eve.
@ 6 to Fri. Eve @ 5: Feb. 22, 23, 24, 2012
or Fri. Eve. @6 to Sun.
Eve @ 5: Feb 24, 25, 26, 2012.
Linda (Langenberg) Curtis
- Carving and Painting a Panda (with a power carver) Mar. 2, 3, 4, 2012
Sharon Bechtold
- Woodburning (this lady is
talented) Apr. 21, 22, 2012
- Medium Relief Woodcarving - May 25, 26, 27 2012
John Engler -
Painting your Relief Woodcarving - Sun. June 10, 2012
The Woodcraft Shop,
2724 State Street, Bettendorf, IA 52722.
Thanksgiving Divorce
A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the morning before Thanksgiving
and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother
and I are getting a divorce; forty-five years of misery is enough.”
“Pop, what are you talking about?’
the son screams.
“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says.
“We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so
call your sister in Chicago and tell her.”
Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
“Like heck they are getting divorced.”
she shouts, “I’ll take care of this.”
She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, “You are
not getting a divorce. Don’t do
a single thing until I get there.
I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow.
Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME? “ and hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.
“Okay” he says, “they’re coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own
(Thanks to Bill Barr)
Shows within
3 to 4 hours one-way drive time of Rockford will be listed as they become
January 21-22, 2012: Keokuk IA;
Tri-State Woodcarvers Show and Competition.
Holiday Inn Express, 300 Main St.
9am-5pm Sat. & 9am-4:30pm
Sun. Free Adm.
Contact Dave Deming 319-524-6887.
4-5: 2012, Cedar Rapids. IA
The Art of Woodcarving Show and Competition.
Sponsored by The Cedar Valley Woodcarvers.
Longbranch Hotel and Convention Center, 90 Twixtown Rd. NE 9am -5pm
Sat. & 10am-4pm Sun, Free adm.
Contact Maurie Vanderwalle, 319-377-6520,
18-19: St. Charles, IL
Winter Wood
sponsored by Owl Hardwood Lumber. Kane County
Fairgrounds, 525 S. Randall Rd.
10am-4pm Sat. & Sun. $3 adm.
March 17-18,
2012, Stevens Point, WI, Wisconsin River Woodcarvers 12th annual show, competition, & sal, Ramada Inn, 1501
Northpoint Drive, 9AM-4PM, both days.
Call Ron O’Kray 715-341-2214, or Greg Wirtz
March 31-Apr
1, 2012 Green Bay, WI
30th annual Woodworking Show and Sale.
Southwest High School, 1331 Packerland Dr.
Free Adm. Contact
14-15: Waterloo, IA
39th Annual Iowa State Woodcarvers Show.
Waterloo Center for the Arts. Noon-5pm Sat. & 11am-4:30pm Sun.
Contact Roger Beane, 319-283-2688,
14-15: Portage IN
Duneland Woodcarvers Show, Woodland Park, Portage IN.
Contact DaveKings: 219--988-5610
9-17: Maquoketa, IA
International Woodcarvers Congress, Jackson County
Fairgrounds, Maquaketa IA, Contact The Woodcraft Shop for information at
Good Judgment comes from Experience, and a lot of that comes from bad
Will Rogers
About Blackhawk Woodcarvers
Business Meetings & Special Events -
NEW YEAR - 2012
January 18 -
Business Meeting
February 15 -
Business Meeting
March 21 -
Business Meeting
April 18 -
Business Meting
May 16 -
Business Meeting
June 20- Business Meeting
July 18 - Business Meeting
August 15 - Business Meeting
August 18 Club Show, Tebala Center
September 19 - Business Meeting
October 17 - Business Meeting
November 21 - Business Meeting
December 19 - Christmas Party
P. O. Box 15488 Loves Park, Illinois
Open Carving every Wednesday
(8:30-11am) except July 4.
Ken Rock Community Center
(Sacred Heart Academy,
multi-purpose room)
3218 Eleventh St, Rockford, IL 61109
Business Meeting; third Wednesday. of the month
Friends and spouses of carvers are especially welcome to come to meet and
visit. Carvers bring in finished
carvings for “Show & Tell.”
President - Steve Terrill,
Vice Pres. - Bob Coleman,
Secretary - Rosalie Wesley…815-738-2201
Treasurer - John Skaggs,
Bernie Budzynski,
2010 Show Co-Chairmen
Bob Hallstrom,
Don Stansfield,
Webmaster -
Gordon Moscinski,
Club Website -
Membership Chair -
Dona Wisner, 815-399-3169
Newsletter -Publishers -
Bernie Budzynski,
Gary Johnson
Newsletter Writer - Steve Terrill, 815-393-4581