Blackhawk Carving Club
Rockford, Illinois 61109
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The Blackhawk Woodcarver

Volume XXV, Issue 9,  September 2018

Presidents Report

Club woodcarving continued through the August heat and humidity. I was pleasantly surprised to see member Wes England one morning at our carving session. Wes is recovering from a long battle with a serious medical issue. He limited his time at our session; but it was so nice to see him back and to hear he is starting to get better. We lost another member, Larry Christensen, whose Celebration of Life display included some of his woodcarving, including a favorite of mine, the caricature of a Cubs pitcher.

August is known for its summer heat and humidity. We did experience it. About mid August, we had one very uncomfortable morning for our carving session. The worse I can remember. Leaving the outside door open precluded any hope of the building’s air conditioning system of cooling and dehumidifying the multi-purpose room; but most felt the A/C was not working and the room felt cooler with the exterior door open.

School is back in session and summer is ending. Our Lady of the Scared Heart Academy has moved their school out to their new building on the far northwest side of Rockford. Ken Rock has asked us to consolidate our property into the smaller room adjacent to the multi-purpose room we have been using for the past few years. The smaller room will allow us to consolidate all of our property we currently store at the building and even give us more exclusive storage space. We have procured a new locking steel cabinet and assembled it in the new room. Our library and sharpening station has also been moved into that room. We still need to move our equipment we store in a closet (within the building but far removed from our meeting area) to our “new” room and cabinet. We have utilized the smaller room at various times in the past. It is only about a third or quarter size of the multi-purpose room we generally use. But they did a nice job of cleaning it out and it is now for our exclusive use. We also have the benefit of utilizing the multi-purpose room to accommodate our weekly carving sessions as desired or needed; but I assume some limitations due to Ken Rock having priority over the use of the multi-purpose room. I wish to thank all our members who have been actively involved in the move and setting up the “new” room. We still have work to do; but the most important moving has been accomplished.

As always, the club members continue to enjoy our hobby of woodcarving and to share their knowledge, skill, and friendship.

Tyrone Johnsen


Club Activity Schedule

September 5  open carving
September 12 open carving
September 19 meeting and open carving
September 26 open carving

October 3 open carving
October 10 open carving
October 17 open carving and meeting
October 24 open carving
October 31 open carving

November 7  open carving
November 14 open carving
November 21  meeting and open carving
November 28 open carving

December 5  open carving
December 12 open carving
December 19 meeting and open carving
December 26 open carving

January 2 open carving
January 9 open carving
January16 open carving and meeting
January 23 open carving
January 30 open carving


Wisconsin River Woodcarvers

18th annual woodcarving show, competition and sale.  The largest woodcarving show in Wisconsin.  September 15, 2018  -  9am to 5pm and September 16, 2018  -  9am to 4pm at the Holiday Inn, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54482.  Admission is $4.00.  For more information contact; Ron O’Kray 715-341-2214 or 715-570-2534(cell).  Greg Wirtz, 715-423-0471 or 715-323-2035(cell).  This year’s featured carver is Chet James.  We are also featuring supplies from the Woodcraft Shop, Krantz Wood Sales, and Moore Roughouts.  Free demonstrations throughout both days and 2 sessions of free kid’s carving.

Call  for Art!

The Rock River Center at 810 South 10th Street, Oregon, Illinois will be hosting an Art Showing and Sale for surrounding area Artists. The goal is to introduce area artists and their work to the public.  At this event the artists will be able to show and selll their work.The center hopes to have a good mix of area art such as: Wood, Glass, Paintings, and Other Art Work.  The Showing will be at the Rock River Center in Oregon, Illinois on: Saturday September 22, 2018 from 9:00AM – 3:00PM. Set up time Friday September 21, from 8:30AM – 3:30PM. NOTE: The Show is Inside and Air Conditioned.  Contact person for more info is: Deb Julian at the Rock River Center.  Phone # 815 732 3252 or 800 541 5479. E-mail

THE COST.  The eight foot tables are TEN dollars each.  There are approximately 36 tables available.  Food will be available for purchase at the center.  Please confirm table(s) by September 14, 2018 at the latest.

Valley Carvers Expo

You are invited to participate in the Valley Carvers 30th annual carvers expo.  September 30, 2018 at 9am to 4pm.  Starved Rock Lodge, 2668 East 875th Rd, Oglesby, IL. For more information call Abby McCague 815.433.5933. 

Capital Area Carvers of Wisconsin 30th Annual Show and Sale

Sunday, October 21, 2018 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Free admission.  See hundreds of original carvings,  plus live demonstrations, chain saw carving and raffles.  Great bargains on original art at Ye Olde Carving Shoppe.  Information contact: Bob Tomlinson, Co-chair 608-65-4552 and Cynthia Potthast, Cochair 608-712-2989.

Artistry in Wood at the Roberts Centre

Woodcarving and Woodworking by the Dayton Carvers Guild.  World class artists from over 25 states.  Saturday October 13, 10am to 6pm and Sunday October 14, 10am to 5pm. At the Roberts centre, Wilmington, Ohio.  Admission $8.00 adult one daypass.  $10.00 adult two day pass.  Free for scouts in uniform and children under 12 with adult.

 Like us on Facebook “Blackhawk Woodcarvers”.  Many pictures and information.

Deadline for the news for the next newsletter is October 3, 2018.

September Birthdays (that we Know of)

 2 Gordy Back
 5 Frank Lay
 7 Nancy Peters
17 William Trosper
23 Jeff Hartman

Blackhawk Carving Club Minutes August 2018

Minutes of the regular monthly business meeting of Blackhawk Woodcarvers; held on August 15, 2018 at 3218 Eleventh Street, Rockford, Illinois.

President Tyrone Johnsen opened the meeting at 9:00

Secretary, Steve Terrill read the Minutes of the previous meeting May 16th.  The minutes were approved as read. 

Treasurer, John Skaggs reported that we are solvent. 

Membership:  Chuck Drewes reported that we have had no membership news.

Steve Terrill announced that we are committed to soap carve at the Midtown Ethnic Festival on Sunday, August 26th on 7th Street.  We need volunteers to man 3 different time schedules.  Please contact Steve with questions, commitments. 

Other Business:  We have a new cabinet for the new meeting room to store our TV and projection equipment.  You are free to see the new room.  It is now cleared out and ready for us to occupy.  We have two potential problems with the new space.  If we have a meeting where there is not enough space, we can use the old cafeteria space as long as it is not used by Ken Rock at that time.  The second is that we will need to focus a little more attention on keeping it clean. 

We will be moving by September 1st.  The problem with access is not a concern.  The school is no longer in charge of opening the building.  We are informed that the door that was the entry to the school will be opened by 6:00.  We will need more tables and chairs than they have thus far allotted us. 

Don Stansfield reports that CLR is having a 25th anniversary celebration on September 12th from 1-4 pm.  They are seeking displays related to projects you have completed during their classes.  It will not be a place to sell items.  If any of you are interested in displaying, Let Don know how many carvings you want to display.  Don will be going up today to try and negotiate how many tables we will need. 

There is a Janesville show and sale of Rock River Valley Carvers of Wisconsin on September 8 at Craig Center In the Rock County Fairgrounds. 

Don Stansfield wants us to remember that there are 134 carving days until Christmas. 

There was no other information presented. 

Tyrone made a motion to adjourn which was unanimously passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:24. 

Respectfully Submitted:
Steve Terrill
Club Secretary


Passed Treasured Carving

Again, as a reminder, I would like to have our club members start bringing in along with regular SHOW and TELL items, some of your carvings that you have treasured from the past.  We all have carvings packed away or setting on a shelf that no one has seen for years except our spouses.

Club Officers       (815 area code)
President - Tyrone Johnsen,
Vice Pres. -
Louis Jurisch, 568-7096
Treasurer - John Skaggs, 547-6951
Secretary -
Steve Terrill,  708-0471

Committees   (815 area code)
Photographer - Larry Clark, 262-9982
Membership  - Chuck Drewes, 985-8575
Librarian -
Bernie Budzynski
Petty Cash - Dona Wisner

Webmaster and  Newsletter Editor- Gordy Moscinski, 874-7978
Newsletter Publisher, Gary Johnson 399-1697
Historian - Elaine Terrell 765-2886
Programs -
Tyrone Johnsen, 397-927
Picnic -
Tony Devita

Door Prizes

Don't forget the Door Prize drawing on First Wednesdays. Bring something you don't need or want anymore, but know someone would be thrilled to win at the drawing.

Want to buy or sell

If you have anything that you would like to buy or sell send me an email and I will put it in the newsletter.   Gordy

Boulder Junction Workshop in August


Denny Neubauer taught knife sharpening

Richard Dunphey took a caricature class

Gordy Moscinski taught a beginning carving class

Larry Stenzel taught a woodburning class.

Ron Watson took a basswood miniature house class.


Sue Watson took a woodburning class.


Show and Tell pictures by Larry Clark comments by Steve Terrill


John Skaggs showed the Dragon he carved 8 years ago.  He had debating whether to paint it, but it was his wife’s suggestion which he quickly regretted. 


Bernie Budzynski showed a gourd with a door and containing a squirrel on a log eating a nut.



Don Stansfield showed a stylized Moose that he carved and painted blue.  He also showed a chip carved pin with Noel carved in it.  Next, he showed an Apple Pendant which he painted using a retardant additive to delay drying and a combination of bright yellow and black cherry which he over painted using a dry brush technique with red. 


Tony Davita showed a knife cover from Carving Illustrated which was an Einstein.

 bark house spoons

Bob Coleman carved a Bark house and burned and colored two spoons he picked up in Rochelle. 


Mike Rutter showed two walnut spoons he carved and sealed. 



Dave Meyer showed a Eagle Plaque that he carved in Basswood and stained with cherry.  He also showed a multi-layer 3-D carving of a barn, tree and farm road which was also Basswood with cherry stain. 

 jewelry box

jewelry box

Gary Johnson showed 2 jewelry boxes that he chip carved and burned the names of his two daughters, Beth and Kim.


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