Blackhawk Carving Club 1993
In November of 1993 Gordy Moscinski sent out post cards about having an organization meeting to form a wood carving club. This meeting was held on November 18, 1993 at 7:00 P M at Ken Rock center. There were about 60 people at the first meeting. Blackhawk Woodcarving Club was established. Officers were voted in office beginning in January 1994.
Blackhawk Wood Carver Members
Richard Anderson
Tom Block
John Brown
Delores Cascio
Larry and Rita Chappell
Larry Clark
Charles Cleven
Jack Darby
Tony DeVito
Russ Diehl
Lloyd Duerst
Judy and Wes Englund
Marshal Field
Don Foster
Oliver Getty
Bill Grap
John Harting
Lonnie Hayes
Bob Heckel
Eric Heng
Jack Huber
Bill Hunt
Carl Hutchison
Rick Koch
Jerry Macomber
Dave Mason
Marie McKonough
Jim McNair
Lyons Meyers
Mike Merers
Walt Mielke
Marvin Mitchell
Gordon Moscinski
David Nestor
Ray Olson
Jim Pierce
Dennis Politic
Millard Powers
Burton Riffle
Carl Rizzo
Mary and Richard Sandquist
Russ Sawer
Kurt Schabell
Don Schellschmidt
Mark Schock
Gene and Sandy Schmitt
Eugene Singletary
Monte Spinker
Harrison Streeter
Lou Suit
Gale Terrrell
Bill Thumm
Philip Timm
Hung Truong
Larry and Joanne Walker
Bett and Russell Welsh