Blackhawk Carving Club
Rockford, Illinois 61109
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The Blackhawk Woodcarver

Volume XXIX, Issue 12   December 2024

Blackhawk Carving Club

We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 am until 11:30 at the Ken Rock facility at 625 Adams Street, Rockford, IL.  KenRock is located in the area of Rural and North 2nd St.

Presidents Report  December 2024

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving; spending most of their time reflecting on their many blessings. Everyday should be Thanksgiving; as long as we do not spend it overeating! I hope you remembered to be thankful for our Fellowship of the Wood Chips.

Now we enter into the Christmas holiday season. A time of Joy and Hope! Our annual Christmas Holiday Party & Brunch will be held on the 11th. We have nearly 50 members, family, and guests reserved. It will be another wonderful gathering with good fellowship, displays, some entertainment, and food!

Please note our Wednesday morning carving sessions schedule for this month and into the new year:

Dec 4 – normal carving session;

Dec 11 – No session due to holiday party;

Dec 18 – normal carving session;

Dec 25 – No session due to Christmas observance;

Jan 1 – No session due to New Years Day;

Jan 8 – resume normal carving sessions.

Stay healthy and safe.

I wish all of you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tyrone Johnsen


Secretary report for November 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Tyrone Johnsen at 9:36 with 24 members and 1 guest present. 

  The October business meeting minutes were read by Secretary Jim Foster with no corrections or additions noted. 

  Treasurer Larry Stenzel reported the club finances are solvent and stable. President Tyrone made a presentation with graphical data analysis designed to educate the membership on the club cash flow and status.

  Tyrone reminded the membership of the importance of keeping Gordy updated on their contact information and providing interesting articles for the newsletter. 

  Joel Taylor updated the members of the December 11th Christmas brunch information and reminded the members that reservations and fees are due before Thanksgiving.

  Joe Etminan discussed details of the brunch " bucket raffle" and donations needed to be brought to the club by December 4.

  Tyrone discussed the limited availability of the meeting facility in the event of adverse weather conditions and holidays. 

  Roger Benedict announced that due to the lack of replacement volunteers, the four current officers have agreed to continue their duties for another year. It was unanimously approved by the membership. 

  A motion to adjourn was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:18.

  Vice-president Richard Brittnacher presented show and tell items by 3 members. 

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Jim Foster 


The Whittler

I pick a block from off the pile and search to see its soul.

Inside the wood a mystery hides--to find it is my goal. 

I take my knife and start to carve a little here and there. 

As shavings fall around my feet. I whittle now with care.

Don't take too much, but just enough--Be careful not to slip. 

I wouldn't want to leave a mark - or loose a finger tip.

And there it is - in the final form, the task at last is done. 

The figure hidden deep within came out to see the sun. 

Christmas Holiday Party

Wednesday, 11 Dec 2024, 9:00 to 11:45 am

Peterson Meadows, 6401 Newburg Rd, Rockford, IL 61108

All members and their spouse or guest are invited to our annual Christmas Holiday Party on Wednesday morning at Peterson Meadows.

The buffet brunch is planned to include various egg dishes with and without meat or with and without vegetables, bacon, fruit, pastry, coffee, tea, milk, juice, and water.

Roger Benedict will give us a brief reading from his book “Clearing off the Bench”.

There will be a display of our carvings in the meeting room.

There will be a “bucket raffle” for various gifts donated by members. Raffle tickets will be sold at the Party.

Cost is $12.00 per person, reservations and payment must be received by Wednesday 27 November 2024. Please sign up and pay either Larry Stenzel or Tyrone Johnsen at our normal carving sessions or mail direct to Tyrone Johnsen, 2929 Panorama Drive, Rockford, IL 61109, 815-397-9274 landline/answering machine.


Home Carving Stations

I am always interested in seeing how everyone manages the storage and transportation of their carving tools. I would love to see how everyone's home carving stations look. I've included a photo of my own carving station for the newsletter .

Jim Foster 


Newsletter deadline

Keep sending your pictures and stories by the January 3, 2024 deadline.

Door Prizes

Don't forget the Door Prize drawing on First Wednesdays. Bring something you don't need or want  anymore, but know someone would be thrilled to win at the drawing.

Carvers wanted

Sometimes I get calls from people wanting to have a carving done (for money).  If you are interested in any of these contacts, let me know and what kind of carvings you are interested in doing for people.  Don Stansfield


Like us on Facebook “Blackhawk Woodcarvers”.  Many pictures and information.

Want to buy or sell

If you have anything that you would like to buy or sell send me an email and I will put it in the newsletter.   Gordy Moscinski

January Birthdays (that we Know of)

 10  Joe Etminan

  20  Jack Croffoot 

Committees    (815 area code)

Webmaster & Newsletter Editor  Gordy Moscinski
Photographer, Tyrone Johnsen, 397-9274

Programs, Rick Brittnacher, 608-346-6501
Picnic, Tony Devita

Club Officers  (815 area code)

President, Tyrone Johnsen, 397-9274
Vice Pres,  Rick Brittnacher, 608-346-6501
Treasurer,  Larry Stenzel, 389-4714
Secretary,  Jim Foster, 414-3248

A Typical Meeting

Bucket Raffle

Blackhawk Woodcarvers, Christmas Holiday Party – 11 Dec 2024

1. Bird on Driftwood carved by Gordy Moscinski, donated by Gordy Moscinski

2. Chip carved panel by Bob Hallstrom, donated by Bob Hallstrom

3. Cone-shaped Santa carved by Betty Gregory, donated by Betty Gregory

4. Cypress Knee Santa carved by John Gregory, donated by John Gregory

5. Bell carved by Betty Gregory, donated by Betty Gregory

6. Box #1 decorated with chip carving & Ornament by Jim Foster, donated by Jim Foster

7. Box #2 decorated with chip carving & Ornament by Jim Foster, donated by Jim Foster

8. Framed original Pyrographic of “Motif #1” by Larry Stenzel, donated by Larry Stenzel

9. Framed original landscape watercolor painting by Larry Stenzel, donated by Larry Stenzel

10. Framed print of an original oil painting chosen for use on a “Duck Stamp” by former club member Art Sinden, donated by L. Stenzel

11. Hand weaved over glass vase #1 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer

12. Hand weaved over glass vase #2 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer

13. Hand weaved over glass vase #3 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer

14. Hand weaved over glass vase #4 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer

15. Hand weaved over glass vase #5 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer

16. Hand weaved over glass vase #6 by Beckie Neubauer, donated by Beckie Neuabauer


Attendance Prizes

1. Chip Carved Pencil Box by Bob Hallstrom, donated by Bob Hallstrom

2. Ornamental Cross with Angels chip carved by Carolyn Halbrook, donated by Don Stansfield

3. Snowman carved by Peter Engler, donated by Don Stansfield

4. Tree Ornament, donated by Don Stansfield


Thank You to all our members for the donations:

Jim Foster, Betty Gregory, John Gregory, Bob Hallstrom, Gordy Moscinski,

Beckie Neubauer, Don Stansfield, Larry Stenzel

 American Kesteral     American Kesteral

Show and Tell

The AMERICAN KESTERAL.  The first is flying and was carved in 2012 and is numbered 379.  The second is purched on a block of cherry and was carved in 2024 an is numbered 544.

Bob Matthews  

santa  Gordy Moscinski




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